Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
Philosophy of Psychiatry
Philosophy of Psychology



1) General Information

General Organization
ANPOF’s Working Group on Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
Graduate Program on Philosophy, Universidad Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Department of Philosophy and Science Methodology, Universidad Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)

Vice President for Graduate Programs and Research
Vice President for Extension Activities
Date: 24th to 28th September, 2007.
Place: UFSCar Campus, São Carlos

Organization Committee
General Coordination:
- Richard Theisen Simanke (UFSCar)
Vice-Coordinator of the Graduate Program on Philosophy, UFSCar
ANPOF’s Working Group on Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Coordinator
- Leopoldo Fulgêncio (PUCCAMP)
- Francisco Verardi Bocca (PUCPR)
- Vladimir Safatle (USP)
- João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida (Unesp, Unicamp)
Scientific Committee:
- Richard Theisen Simanke (UFSCar)
- Luiz Roberto Monzani (UNICAMP)
- Osmyr Faria Gabbi Jr. (UNICAMP)
- Leopoldo Fulgêncio (PUCCAMP)
- Francisco Verardi Bocca (PUCPR)
- Vladimir Safatle (USP)
- João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida (Unesp, Unicamp)
- Zeljko Loparic (PUCSP)
Assistance Committee:
- Ada Jimena García Menendez (UFSCar)
- Fátima Siqueira Caropreso (UNICAMP)
- Izabel  Barbelli (UFSCar)
- Josiane Cristina Bocchi (UFSCar)

2) History, importance and nature of the event
ANPOF’s Working Group on Philosophy and Psychoanalysis was created on ANPOF’s 10th National Meeting of Philosophy (2002), aiming to gather a group of researchers from all over the country that deal, from various perspectives, with the links between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. Since then, our Working Group has organized conference and paper sessions at the 10th and 11th National Meetings of Philosophy (2004, 2006), with a growing number of participants and a remarkable improvement in the quality of the contributions. The coordinators of our group have been, so far, Dr Vicenzo di Matteo (UFPE), Dr. Leopoldo Fulgêncio (PUCCAMP) and Dr. Richard Theisen Simanke (UFSCar), the current coordinator.
In the year 2004, we have decided to promote, every two years – in the years there is not an ANPOF Meeting –, a national congress in order to present  thoroughly the production of the members of our Working Group. In addition to that, the regional delegates have carried out local meetings. Since then, the international contacts established have led us to include participants from abroad. Consequently, in November 2005, we have organized in São Paulo (Brazil) the I International Congress of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, with the presence of prestigious guests from Europe and South America, as well as Brazilian researchers.  The success of the first event – which resulted in the publication of two issues with conferences and papers (volume 8, issues 1 & 2 Natureza Humana – Revista de Filosofia e Psicanálise, October 2006) – reflected the need to continue to widen our scope in terms of national and international research on the field. That is why the organization committee of this II International Congress of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis aims to broaden the institutional insertion and the network of debate for our area of interest.

As in our previous event, we intend to reunite Brazilian and foreign researchers with significant intellectual work on the philosophical interpretations of psychoanalysis or on the mutual contributions between psychoanalysis and philosophy as a whole. As a matter of fact, the general conception of our congress aims to reach the broadest possible number of perspectives in order to offer a representative overview (both thematically and geographically) of the wide range of studies in our field, in Brazil and abroad. Evidently, this objective demanded expanding the dimensions of the event, which reflects, in fact, the quantitative growth and qualitative improvement of the research that is being developed.
